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image is a sticker for the international association of creative arts professionals.

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Find A FQ Pop Up

New Label Design (6/29/2015):

I was originally hand cutting the labels, but demand has forced me to automate.  The new labels will need to be trimmed as shown above.  The image will be on both sides of the label now.

Just retain a 1/4" - 3/16" seam allowance on either end and you will be good to go!

My Preferred Stabilizer is:
SF101 Shapeflex Fusible by Pellon

Click on the pop up above for more pop up inspiration!
Dimensions to make larger sizes using this pattern:

The base circle patterns are supplied with the springs, so I won’t list them here.

SizeBody    Side Rectangle               Elastic Length & Suggested Width

Medium       16.5” H x 26.5” W          12” long - 1/2” wide
Large           22.5” H x 34.5” W        14” long - 3/4” wide
XL                32.5” H x 45.5” W         16” long - 1” wide

For the larger sizes, you do not need to pull the gathering stitches on the bases after stitching them wrong-sides together. Only the FQ (small) size needs it gathered. This was a result of working within the restrictions of a FQ.

How to untwist your Fat Quarter Pop Up